Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

Sexual harassment results in violation of fundamental rights of a woman to live and work with dignity. The mandate of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is to evolve a mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment complaints and other acts of gender based violence at IIT Mandi. Documents:
  • As per the sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) Act, 2013,

    Sexual harassment” includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behaviour (whether directly or by implication) namely:

  • • Physical contact and advances; or
  • • A demand or request for sexual favours; or
  • • Making sexually coloured remarks; or
  • • Showing pornography; or
  • • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature
Ref: The Gazette of India (Click Here)

Committee Members

Dr. Bindu Radhamany

Chairperson ICC, Associate Professor,SPS

Ms. Yadvindri Thakur

External Member, Advocate, District Court , Mandi

Prof. Rajeev Kumar


Dr. Nitu Kumari

Assoc. Professor

Mr. Suresh Rohilla

Deputy Registrar
(S&P, Students)

Ms. Shelika Verma

Asst. Registrar

Who can approach ICC?

  • Any woman employee of IIT Mandi including faculty and staff as well as any woman residing in the Campus or visiting the Campus in any capacity may file a complaint against an incident of sexual harassment.
  • Any student, irrespective of age and/or gender, may file a complaint against an incident of sexual harassment.
     All information related to a complaint will be kept strictly confidential

How to approach ICC?

A written complaint to the Chairperson, Internal Complaints Committee with clearly mentioned:
  1. Name of the complainant

  2. Signature of the complainant

  3. Name and the contact details of the accused

  4. Detailed description of the incident

  5. Date and time of the incident

  6. All the supporting documents

  7. Names and addresses of the witnesses.

Complaint should be placed to the ICC

  • Within a period of 3 months from the date of the incident.
  • In case of series of incident, within a period of 3 months from the date of last incident.
  • The time limit may be extended by another 3 months if ICC is satisfied with the reason for delay

  • All information related to a complaint will be kept strictly confidential

    What to do and not to do, in case you are harassed

  • Do not feel ashamed or blame yourself.

  • State firmly to the harasser that you find his behavior inappropriate/offensive.

  • Do not ignore the act of the harasser assuming that it will stop by its own. Raise your voice.

  • Keep a detailed record (dates, times, places, names of harasser(s) and witnesses) of all incidents related to the harassment.
  • Commonplace myths about acts of sexual harassment and violence

    • Certain dresses provoke sexual harassment and violence.

    • Any act that happens with a woman at a place where she has gone willingly must be consensual.

    • Any act under the influence of alcohol or drugs does not amount to sexual harassment or violence.

    • It is sexual harassment only if it is committed by stranger(s).

    • If the act is not reported immediately, then it did not happen or was consensual.


  • Awareness program on the

    Sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013

    One day webinar organised by
    Internal Complaints Committee, IIT Mandi
    on 21st December 2021

    Shri. Mahabir Singh Kasana
    Former Joint Director Institute of Secretariat Training and Management,
    Department of Personnel and Training,
    Government of India

    The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), IIT Mandi organized a one-day (09:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.) webinar on 21st Dec’21 to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the notification of the sexual harassment Act 2013 on 9th Dec’21. The session was started with the opening address by Dr. Bindu Radhamany, Chairperson, ICC. The welcome address was given by honourable the then, Director IIT Mandi, Prof. Ajit K. Chaturvedi. The talks were delivered by honourable speaker Shri. Mahabir Singh Kasana, former Joint Director of Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, Govt. of India and is currently involved in Legal Practice, Consultancy and Training on various legal subjects. He is on the panel of more than 15 Organizations as legal Counsel. There was active participation from the students, staff and faculty members. The sessions were planned to equip the participants with the (a) “The Sexual Harassment of women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and (b) “The Sexual Harassment of women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013. There were also vibrant question and answer sessions, exercises and multiple-choice questions about various instances of sexual harassment, Act and the Rules etc. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Shri Suresh Rohilla, member of ICC.

  • The programme details: click here
  • Watch the programme: click here
  • Awareness program on the

    Sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013

    One day Awareness Workshop organised by
    Internal Complaints Committee, IIT Mandi
    on 25th November 2022

    Prof. L. R. Agarwal
    Former Director, Ministry of Finance,
    Depaty Secretary, MoE,
    Government of India

    Celebrations of International day for the Elimination of violence against women

    IIT Mandi celebrated the international day for the elimination of violence against women on 25th Nov 2022. The program was organized by Internal Complaints Committee. The celebrations involved two programs covering the whole day. In the first session (10 am to 3pm), an awareness workshop on the Sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 was conducted. The workshop was conducted by Prof. (Dr.) Agarwal, Ex Vice Chancellor of a University at Lucknow and A retired Director of Ministry of Finance Government of India. and in the second session (03:30 pm), the celebrations involved talks by Ms. Shalini Agnihotri, SP, Mandi and Ms. Ritika Jindal, SDM, Mandi.

  • Seminar on

    Sexual Harassment of women at workplace Act, 2013

    Seminar organised by
    Internal Complaints Committee, IIT Mandi
    on Friday, 21st April 2023

    Dr. Seema Kashyap
    Associate professor,
    Himachal Pradesh University Institute of legal Studies Shimla

    This talk is basically on the relevant topic of sexual Harassment of women at workplace. It pertains to the historical perspective of this legislation with the help of case law entitled Vishakha v State of Rajasthan of 1997.The narration as to what is the meaning and purpose of this Law with all the relevant provisions. To appraise the participants regarding the procedure right from filing the complaint till its disposal as well as the penalties provided under the Act. To highlight the Appeal provision under the Act and the duties of State Govt. for the proper implementation of this Legislation is also the objective of this talk. Further to provide minute details of this Enactment in simple words is also the main motive of this deliberation.

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